App Review: ‘Acapella’ is Sluggish Song-filled Fun


Acapella is the newest app to take the internet, or at least the app store, by storm. The app, released by Mixcord, was released the same time as the newest Guitar Hero and Rock Band, major music games, to capitalize on their success. It allows anyone to create their own a capella videos and is available to download on ios.

On the surface the app looks similar to other singing apps due to its simple premise, however the app is unique in terms of its customization and community. Acapela features different, the ability to customize a watermark, and sharing the video to a variety of social media services. This makes the app feel fresh, unique, and not as boring as other apps who lack a variety of features.

Setting up the app is extremely easy. Once you decide the song all that needs to be done is selecting a layout for the video and recording it. After the recording is done you can share it through social media and the community or edit it.

The app suffers from a major issue, however. The Acapella servers are extremely slow and greatly hinder the experience if you are trying to view profiles or watch community videos. Loading a profile to view a view takes longer than it should, in fact sometimes the app would refuse to load altogether and crash while loading the community videos. The app also lacks a feature to categorize your work which may frustrate those who find themselves with multiple videos.

Acapella is a good app that has a chance to evolve into something great. Its concept is simple, but the makes it enjoyable and complex through its different features and community. The sluggish servers are a burden, however the apps positive’s greatly outweigh the tiny burden. If your Apple device has the space, this app is definitely worth the download.

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