High school is a stepping stone into the adult world. Whether it’s traveling abroad, heading off to college, or starting a career, graduation means moving on to the next chapter. As students head into this new world, these situations call into question if high schoolers are properly prepared to navigateContinue Reading

Seeking out mental health support can be difficult. Six in 10 psychologists do not have openings for new patients, and 46% can not meet demands for treatment, according to a 2022 survey from the American Psychological Association. The struggle is even worse for people without insurance that may need toContinue Reading

Affirmative action is a policy that aims to address the historical and ongoing effects of racial discrimination by increasing the representation of marginalized groups in education. The policy can include measures such as setting quotas, offering special scholarships, or providing preparation programs.  On Oct. 31, 2022, the Supreme Court ofContinue Reading

Every April, the junior class spends three days taking the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) exam. After up to 310 MHS students opted out of it last year, according to the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress website, we need to consider whether the SBAC and standardized testing asContinue Reading

Recognizing that access to menstrual products like pads and tampons is a “basic human right,” California passed Assembly Bill (AB) 367, the Menstrual Equity For All Act of 2021, which requires all California public high schools to regularly stock free menstrual products in all girls’ restrooms, all gender-neutral restrooms, andContinue Reading