By: Vivian Tsang For many seniors, graduation, arguably the most highly anticipated event of the school year, is finally approaching. For those attending out-of-state colleges, these last few months before the start of your quarter will likely be one of the last times you can assemble with all your friendsContinue Reading

As the lunch bell rings, members of clubs drudgingly head to the cafeteria overhang to help out with a campus cleanup activity, known as Campus Beautification. The activity is done during SSR, requiring students to walk around campus and pick up trash. While this event serves to beautify the campusContinue Reading

One of the many annual traditions in MHS is the senior prank. From many years past until now, various pranks had happened to our very own MHS. Although not consistent every year, there are still many fond memories created from this timely tradition. One year, the seniors flipped the tablesContinue Reading