As the lunch bell rings, members of clubs drudgingly head to the cafeteria overhang to help out with a campus cleanup activity, known as Campus Beautification. The activity is done during SSR, requiring students to walk around campus and pick up trash. While this event serves to beautify the campusContinue Reading

MHS rallies have always been made to raise school spirit and recognize notable students, either through awards or showcasing their talents. However, a noticeable pattern is always seen at rallies that are ever growing with the declining school spirit. People, especially those sitting in the back of the bleachers, areContinue Reading

2017 is a new year, and a year that everybody looks forward to. Why does everybody look eagerly towards 2017 compared with other new years before it? Perhaps it is that sense of a fresh new start or the beginning of a resolve to keep pushing forward in life. TheseContinue Reading

Like any other year, 2016 had its highs and lows. We focus a lot of our anxiety towards the Trump presidency, Russian hacking, ISIL, or the future of healthcare. However, we should also acknowledge the notable achievements in our nation, and throughout the world. First, The United States: The teenContinue Reading

It’s interesting to view the numerous perspectives that Thanksgiving is observed through. Some people use this holiday as a time to celebrate its Puritan origins and its national observance and conduct the stereotypical occasion of inviting hordes of people over to gorge on turkey and others foods. This occurrence probablyContinue Reading