Dinh hopes to inspire young business leaders though his Teen Entrepreneurs Club

By: Kelly Nguyen

Not many students take the initiative to inspire youth through hands-on teaching and collaborative learning. Junior Andrew Dinh created Teen Entrepreneurs Club, an entrepreneur program, to empower youth, giving them the opportunity to explore their passions and integrate them into a world of business.

As a sophomore, Dinh explored different career paths, and found that business resonated with him the most, Dinh said. In June of 2017, Dinh led a summer program for low-income middle school students in Palo Alto, Dinh said. Students were taught how to develop and market a product, including how to create a sales pitch, Dinh continued.

“Watching the students grow was a very rewarding experience for me,” Dinh said. “I wanted to continue to share my knowledge with the youth and give them the opportunity to recognize the power they have to create, innovate, and lead.”

A few weeks ago, Dinh led his very first entrepreneurship class for twelve Bay Area students. Students were given the opportunity to create their own product from scratch, Dinh said. For example, the process of melting and mixing a bar of soap teaches the importance of patience and creativity in product development, Dinh continued.

“When the soap was set, I saw a look of awe on the students’ faces,” Dinh said. “This amazement was the feeling I had when I first started learning more about entrepreneurship, so I was delighted to see that I could bring that experience to my peers.”

As a young entrepreneur, Dinh hopes to expand his program and motivate students from all across the Bay Area, Dinh said. Dinh aims to create a network of like-minded and motivated youth who have the potential to bring about positive change, Dinh continued.

“I want to create a program curriculum that is easily accessible and replicable,” Dinh said. “By teaching kids intangible business skills, I am preparing them to become better leaders in the future.”

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