Humans of MHS: Aniket Tyagi

“I like programming, a lot, like I want to be a computer science major, maybe make a start-up. Why? I guess the idea that such a rigid set of rules create a lot of beautiful code or programs or outputs is just really interesting to me. [Are you participating in any computer science clubs?] Not computer science but robotics. I’m lead programmer at the Robotics Club, and I go to a lot of hackathons on behalf of them and get prizes and stuff. It’s a really good family kind of club and there is a lot of interesting things to apply my computer science skills to, like making something move, making something come alive, that’s cool. We’re creating an autonomous set of bots using some vector calculus which is pretty fun, so we take like a bunch of area input and then we create a bunch of vector maps and by using a lot of translations and mathematical functions we can create an autonomous robot depending on adjusting its path of motion to the environment which is pretty cool. What sparked my interest in this? Star Wars. I was like watching this one scene with the Millenium Falcon and I was asking my dad “How does all this cool stuff [happen]” and my dad’s like “Programming and computers.” And I’m like “I want to do that” and I just kind of pushed off from there. “

-Aniket Tyagi (11)

Interviewers: Ashley Chen and Vivian Tsang
Photographer: Vivian Tsang

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