Badminton has officially started at MHS, with the spring season having just begun. On March 4, 2022, JV and Varsity players of the MHS badminton team played and won against Piedmont High School. Badminton, being the fastest racket sport, has intense games and even more intense players.  The game beganContinue Reading

The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) will take place April 19-21, according to the MHS school calendar.  This year, the tests will be in-person, Assistant Principal Amanda Gross said in an interview. “This test is supposed to look at how is the student progressing based on what our teachers shouldContinue Reading

New Scholastic Aptitude Test guidelines, including plans to make the test digital, will be implemented in schools in the United States as of spring 2024, according to a Newsroom announcement made by the College Board. According to the College Board, students will be able to receive their scores within daysContinue Reading