For many Americans, Christmas is a time when people can relax, bond with family, give and receive gifts, and tune in to joyful Christmas carols. Many people also indulge in decadent foods such as  roasted turkey, rack of lamb, stuffing, and gingerbread cookies. As a whole, these festivities make upContinue Reading

One of my most memorable Christmas experiences involved a White Elephant game with some of my classmates. Unfortunately, it was memorable in all the wrong ways, as I ended up with a pitiful present in the form of a single cup of noodles.  White Elephant is said to have originatedContinue Reading

The moment the clock strikes twelve on Dec. 1, Christmas cheer fills the air. Storefronts are stocked to the brim with presents, the overwhelming scent of cinnamon wafts through bakeries, and ASB plans Christmas themed events to boost school spirit. Christmas has always been in the limelight, but what areContinue Reading

7 million students, or around 33% of all undergraduate students in the U.S., were enrolled in public four-year institutions during the 2020–2021 academic year, according to the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. Nonetheless, total community college enrollment has been falling since 2011, and has dropped 3.4% from last year. IContinue Reading

From sniffling to sneezing, we have all seen classmates exhibit telltale signs that winter and flu season have arrived. Students were either quarantined or mandated to wear masks for the last two winters, but as preventative measures against COVID-19 relax, an increasing number of students are coming to school withoutContinue Reading

Hundreds of students walk past the empty school library each day, a desolate reminder of the abrupt end to an essential service at most schools. MHS has not had a librarian since the previous one resigned at the end of last school year. However, even without a librarian, the schoolContinue Reading