Many students, especially seniors, are participating in the trend of bringing a children’sbackpack to school instead of the typical backpack. This includes bags with vibrant colors, cartoon characters, and frivolous designs. According to “Why some high school seniors are going back to school with kindergarten backpacks?” by USA Today, theContinue Reading

The Native American tribes Tamien Nation of Santa Clara County, Muwekma, and Confederated Villages of Lisjan all have a historical claim on the land of Milpitas, according to Native Lands Digital.The Tamien Nation have lived on Milpitas and south of Milpitas land for thousands of years, but currently they ownContinue Reading

City Hall – City Hall is one of the most important buildings in Milpitas.At the front, a statue of the West Coast Minuteman can be seen, which was built after the city of San Jose attempted to annex Milpitas in the 1950s; according to Roadside America. This building was previouslyContinue Reading

According to the MUSD website, the Dual Enrollment program at MHS is an opportunity for students to enroll in college classes taught in the San Jose City College Extension. While some point to the benefits to the program, others question the effectiveness of it. Senior Nidhi Bhat is enrolled asContinue Reading

The Performing Arts Center is currently being built in the MHS parking lot to expand opportunities for the music and theater programs, theater teacher Kaila Schwartz said. The center will consist of a main stage, black box theater, and an orchestra pit, Schwartz said. The main stage is where largeContinue Reading