The club United Nations International Children’s Emergency (UNICEF) has the mission to help children in need by organizing events and fundraisers.
The goal of the club is to be helpful to children around the world by raising money and hosting fundraisers, UNICEF club president Audrey Pham, a junior, said.
“The club is honestly just helping out underprivileged children who aren’t as blessed to have the opportunities we do,” Pham said. “We’re just helping them locally and overseas too.”
The club meets twice a month, Pham said.
“The first meeting is usually educational, like we advocate for children’s needs and follow the themes of the large organization, such as the layout, and then we just raise awareness about what’s going on,” Pham said. “Then our second meeting is community service events, so we give hours and talk about when and where they will take place.”
Club members are friendly and easy to talk to, junior and vice president Sophia Nguyen said.
“Everyone cares about being a part of UNICEF, and we put in a lot of work to try to set up things for other people.”
UNICEF’s plan for the upcoming year is to focus on finding community service for other people, and have more bonding events, Sophia Nguyen said.
“I think people should join the club because it doesn’t just benefit you, but also benefits people who we help,” Sophia Nguyen said. “And I think you can add that as an important part of your mission – to help others.”
Event coordinator Christie Nguyen believes that helping children is her main passion, as she coordinates different activities and events for the club to be involved in, she said.
“When I was younger, my family, we took donations and stuff and as I was growing up, I really wanted to dedicate my time to volunteering and specifically helping younger children,” Christie Nguyen said. “My personal goal for the club this upcoming year is to hold a drive sometime in the spring.”
Christie Nguyen joined UNICEF this year and has made many plans to organize meaningful events that are fully dedicated to the club, she said.
“Being in UNICEF, we try our best to actually coordinate good events, and ensure that everyone has a job,” Christie Nguyen said. “And I think what we do and what we believe in, the club does exactly that.”
As UNICEF continues to develop and grow, they want to work on hosting more fundraisers, like their CLOG rush to raise money for children and the club, Pham said.
“I think people should join UNICEF because it’s a good cause, and it’s an organization nationally,” Christie Nguyen said. “So I feel if everyone puts their own work towards it, it can actually help kids.”