Winter Clogs Showcase their Clogs at Clog Rush

Clog Rush occurs twice each school year, once in September and once in January. Each semester, many new clubs and organizations, like Bhangra Club, Career Club, and Through the Lens, charter for the new semester to hold various events and collaborations. 

Chehak Batra is the president of Bhangra Club and creates choreography for the club, Batra said. 

“Bhangra is a cultural form that’s found in the region of Punjab in India, and it’s a folk dance,” Batra said. “Our club is teaching others how to do it, and we want to perform at rallies.”

The club is a way for people to learn more about our culture from Punjab, Batra said. 

“We’re very welcoming and everything we do is beginner friendly, so even if you’re nervous that you won’t know how to dance, we’ll be really welcoming and we’ll know how to help you,” Batra said. 

Career Club is a new club for people to become interested in different pursuits they can do later in life, Club President Hannah Robbins said. 

“A lot of people, when they come into high school, they want to know where they want to go in life – especially me, I was still figuring it out,” Robbins said. “So I felt like (the club) could be a helpful tool, especially for freshmen and sophomores if they’re still not sure about what they want to do in college.” 

The club has been able to work with the College and Career Specialist, Ms. Rosas, Robbins said. 

“We plan to present about different career paths and have speakers come in to share about their jobs,” Robbins said.

Through the Lens is another new club whose main goal and purpose is to educate and teach about photography, education chair of Through the Lens Ernesto Sto Domingo said. The club also plans to hold community service events and other team-building activities, he added. 

“The president of the club and I talked and we were thinking about doing some (photography) competitions as well, or finding some competitions that we could enroll in so that [our members] could have fun in some way,” Sto Domingo said.

The club also plans on hosting workshops and teaching photography fundamentals, Sto Domingo said. 

“Some people are nervous about getting into photography,” Sto Domingo said. “[Our officers] are all really positive. We all get together really well, and we just really want to be a good environment where students [at] MHS can just talk and collaborate.” 

Joining new clogs are a wonderful opportunity to meet people, find new interests, and build lasting supportive connections. 

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