Whether it’s grunting heavy-lifters, active runners, or health-conscious dieters, today’s gym-goers all go to the gym with the intention of improving some aspect of their overall lifestyle. Many students at MHS have found newfound passions through working out regularly, whether it be lifting weights, benching, or simply exercising and toningContinue Reading

Dating in high school can expose students to new experiences, different types of people, and different lifestyles. Teenagers are able to experiment with relationships during high school to understand what they truly value in a partner. Although some may look down upon dating and complain that romantic interests can interfereContinue Reading

New Scholastic Aptitude Test guidelines, including plans to make the test digital, will be implemented in schools in the United States as of spring 2024, according to a Newsroom announcement made by the College Board. According to the College Board, students will be able to receive their scores within daysContinue Reading