In March of last year, the MHS campus closed—leaving students to continue their classes online through online calls. However, around April of this year, the Milpitas Unified School District decided to start In-Person-Learning (IPL), encouraging freshmen and students with three or more Fs to participate. When asked in a ZoomContinue Reading

“The Falcon and the Winter Soldier” is a six-episode television show that demonstrates the exhilarating fight scenes and cliffhangers, characteristic of the traditional action-adventure Marvel movies. However, it also examines institutional racism, radicalization, the repercussions of past actions, and the preservation of the legacy of the deceased. This series answersContinue Reading

This school year has been tough, especially for seniors who may feel that their senior year is slowly wasting away as they prepare for their post-high school lives, but it’s imperative to stay optimistic. I asked a few MHS alumni about their online college experience, about how they coped withContinue Reading

Disney’s “Soul,” which released on the Disney+ streaming platform on Dec. 25, is the latest film from Pixar. Similar to Disney’s “Inside Out,” which personified emotions as brightly colored sprites controlling our actions through a control room in our minds, “Soul” depicts how our personalities are created in a summerContinue Reading

For the past few years, many political figures have debated the validity of an electoral college—especially in election years when the electoral college did not align with the popular vote. The electoral college is a group of presidential electors that form every four years to elect the President and theContinue Reading