By: Maansi Maskai With a diverse student population, MHS hosts a wide array of unique clubs and organizations that cater to specific interests and cultures. Recently, True Colors was added to extensive list of clubs and organizations that thrive at MHS. True Colors aims to promote awareness and foster anContinue Reading

By: Ashley Chen According to the World Sports Encyclopedia, there are 8,000 indigenous sports and sporting games. However, there is no other sport quite like equestrianism, also known as horseback riding. Junior Aleema Garfinkel has been horseback riding since she was 12, and she currently rides as a part ofContinue Reading

By: Ashley Chen Naviance is a college and career planning tool that assesses students’ interests and strengths with potential careers and helps students make the right and informed decisions about choosing careers, according to Principal Francis Rojas. Naviance was introduced this school year after being in discussion in MUSD forContinue Reading

By: Maira Ramos College application season is here and in full swing for many seniors at MHS. For freshmen, sophomores, and juniors, there’s an ample amount of time to brainstorm post-high school plans. The MHS administration has provided students with a new college and career readiness tool called Naviance toContinue Reading

By: Ishrak Ramzan, Ashley Chen Community college classes have always been an option available for students seeking to both challenge themselves and explore diverse subject areas that are not traditionally offered in high school. High school students are constrained in what they can fit into their class schedule by factorsContinue Reading