While most teens spend their time indoors playing video games or at the mall, some choose to take on a hobby that benefits the environment, brings beauty in their backyard, and provides a great way to bond with family: gardening.  After helping her parents with gardening at home, senior andContinue Reading

Preparing for her next chapter in life, senior Letizia Lee said that she looks forward to continuing her lifelong artistic journey by pursuing studies in industrial design in college and cites her unique upbringing in Panama as a source of inspiration.  Lee found her passion for art at a youngContinue Reading

With a new year comes new year’s resolutions and I figured that I should come up with one myself. I didn’t want to go with the typical choice like going to the gym or giving up junk food — no, I needed something attainable. On top of that, I wantedContinue Reading

The moment the clock strikes twelve on Dec. 1, Christmas cheer fills the air. Storefronts are stocked to the brim with presents, the overwhelming scent of cinnamon wafts through bakeries, and ASB plans Christmas themed events to boost school spirit. Christmas has always been in the limelight, but what areContinue Reading

From sniffling to sneezing, we have all seen classmates exhibit telltale signs that winter and flu season have arrived. Students were either quarantined or mandated to wear masks for the last two winters, but as preventative measures against COVID-19 relax, an increasing number of students are coming to school withoutContinue Reading

While girls took the football field by storm during powerpuff football, boys from all four grade levels cheered them on for the season, which spanned September and October.  In previous years, powerpuff consisted of only the players and audience, but this year boys cheerleading was incorporated into the biweekly gamesContinue Reading

Social media has played a large role in the gradual destigmatization of mental health issues, but it has also led to an influx in self-diagnosing among teens, which may be beneficial, but has its drawbacks, according to “A Challenge with Social Media: Self-Diagnosing Mental Health” by Meaghan Warner.  For peopleContinue Reading