1. Brooklyn Nine-Nine Fox’s Brooklyn Nine-Nine is a situational comedy revolving around the lives of police officers from a fictional 99th precinct in Brooklyn.  The first season begins with the precinct getting a new, no-nonsense police captain (Andre Braugher), much to the disappointment of the immature Detective Jake Peralta (AndyContinue Reading

As Netflix grows in popularity throughout the world, it is expanding the media it has available to be accessible to all audiences. To support this initiative, Netflix is creating original content, not only in English, but in other languages as well, such as Spanish, Japanese, French, and Portuguese. Although manyContinue Reading

In the past, the Battlefield franchise never seemed to reach the popularity of the Call of Duty franchise. This year, the tides have seemed to finally turn this, with Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare receiving massive amount of negative reception since its reveal, whereas the opposite being the case forContinue Reading