For seasonal anime fans, Erased, a twelve-episode suspense series, has already been deemed one of the winter season’s best. Following a standard thriller-suspense format, Erased follows human emotion and impulse in a very genuine way. Even if it’s just a cartoon, Erased feels human. It’s animated beautifully and tackles seriousContinue Reading

Netflix’s highly anticipated second season of Marvel’s Daredevil largely upholds the intensity and suspenseful elements of the show’s debut season. The first season demonstrated how the dark, gritty elements of comic books should be executed in live-action superhero television, and the result was met with sweeping positive reviews from aroundContinue Reading

One of the projects that the MHS Book Club has taken on is their book fundraising project where they will raise $500 to send approximately 1000 books to St. Andy’s Preparatory School in Ghana, according to Book Club Secretary Isabel Li. The project, aptly titled “Book Drive,” will run forContinue Reading

Courtesy of Jim Donnelly   The 88th Annual Academy Awards ceremony took place on February 28th, with no precedent for the issues surrounding the event this year. The Academy Awards, also known as the “Oscars,” is an awards ceremony hosted by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science toContinue Reading

Dragons, battles, and kingdoms are typically what many people may associate with fairy tale stories and happy endings. However, the TV series Game of Thrones (GOT) twists the typical fantasies that have been established for centuries. With gory wars, betrayal, and ruthless adventures, GOT has become the most viewed show inContinue Reading

2016 has been a bit of a rough start in the celebrity world. Ranging from iconic musicians to inspiring actors to beloved radio hosts, the world seems to have gotten a little less full. Let’s take a look at a few icons. Courtesy of Adam Bielawski ● Perhaps one ofContinue Reading

Acclaimed comedian Aziz Ansari released a show on Netflix called Master of None that effortlessly displays diversity and hilarity. Most of the buzz from this show comes from the fact that it touches on social issues including racism in media, feminism, and immigration. Ansari highlights the struggles of being aContinue Reading

The MHS Theater Department performed “Almost, Maine” for this year’s fall production. “Almost, Maine” reveals both the upside and downside of love through a series of short stories about citizens of a small town called “Almost, Maine” and the relationships that develop between them. Since the play was broken downContinue Reading