Music Review: “BUSH” by Snoop Dog “BUSH” by Snoop Dogg is a masterpiece of rap. Rather... by MHS Union May 29, 2015 0 commentFacebookTwitterLinkedInPinterestshare
Music Review: Mariah Carey’s “Number 1 to Infinity” Mariah Carey’s latest compilation album “Number 1 to Infinity” was... by MHS Union May 29, 2015 0 commentFacebookTwitterLinkedInPinterestshare
Music Review: Years and Years EP “Y & Y” The fairly new UK electropop trio Years & Years is... by MHS Union May 29, 2015 0 commentFacebookTwitterLinkedInPinterestshare
Music Review: If You’re Reading This it’s too Late Drake’s unexpected fourth mixtape “If You’re Reading This It’s Too... by MHS Union April 21, 2015 0 commentFacebookTwitterLinkedInPinterestshare
Kimbra: “The Golden Echo” Album Review Electropop artist Kimbra recently released a new album titled “The... by MHS Union October 20, 2014 0 commentFacebookTwitterLinkedInPinterestshare