Let’s be honest, when we hear community college, the first thing that comes to mind is the negative connotation. That community colleges are only for students that screwed up in high school, or aren’t serious about studying. While these opinions may be swirling around, it’s important to realize that communityContinue Reading

Marvel’s highly anticipated “Captain America: Civil War” officially kicks off Phase 3 of Marvel’s Cinematic Universe. “Civil War” yet again proves that Marvel absolutely knows how to make a great film that fans will enjoy thanks to the fantastic script, action, and characters present in the film. Joe and AnthonyContinue Reading

In early April, governor of California Jerry Brown signed legislation to push for a statewide minimum wage of $15 per hour. While McDonalds is one of my better options after graduating from MHS, does a rising minimum wage really help me? Do Americans need a higher federal and statewide minimumContinue Reading

A bill in California was recently passed that would increase the minimum wage to $15 dollars a hour by 2022. This will be accomplished by slowly increasing the minimum wage every year, starting with $10.50 by 2017. The new policy is beneficial to every American, economically and socially. It canContinue Reading