Tips for Athletes: remedies for minor injuries

By: Ariana Khateeb


Spring sports are in full motion which increase the likelihood of injuries when participating in track and field, softball, baseball, and swimming. These remedies can help athletes and active people easily quicken the healing process, but if the pain persists please go see a professional and not WebMD.

Muscle cramps affect all athletes and can be easily reduced or even prevented. Cramps are caused by dehydration, poor blood circulation, and fatigue in the muscles. Bananas are the super fruits when it comes to preventing cramps. The potassium in the electrolytes help keep the balance in the muscles. Stretching before and after the workout session also helps prevent cramps in the arms, legs, and abdomen.

A pulled muscle is not the most pleasant feeling in the world, but these few tips can speed up the recovery process. Maintaining a healthy diet is important, so eating foods that are high in Vitamin C help the pulled muscles. Fatty acids help with the inflammation in the muscles. Rest is a key fact to remember because using the pulled muscle only slows the process to a full recovery.

For the more severe injuries, the basic steps work like a charm. Ice and elevation are the most recommended solutions because they work. As long as the affected area is continuously treated during the period of rest, the healing process is quick.

As you play these sports, it is important to keep safety in mind. The easiest way to prevent injury is to take proper precautions when playing the sport. Stretching and not exerting excessively will make your life easier during the spring season.

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