Senior Picnic offers an assortment of outdoor activities

By: Theodore Do

The MHS Senior Picnic is an annual one-day event where seniors can spend time outdoors with their friends. This year, the event was held on Sept. 14 at Saratoga Springs. There, students were able to participate in various physical and leisurely activities. For underclassmen, here are a few potential things you can look forward to on your future trip.

  1. Hiking

Hiking, in my opinion, was the number one go-to activity for groups of friends. As students traversed across tottering rocks and bubbling creeks, they were able to share a memorable experience, spotting wildlife in the middle of the trail, or saving one another from slipping into streams.

  1. Swimming

After the long and strenuous hike, students could choose to cool off in the pool area. Although I personally found the pool area to be a bit crowded, many still enjoyed simply wading their feet in the pool, chatting with their friends.

  1. Sports

In addition to the trail and the pool, many recreational sports were available, including basketball, volleyball, and table tennis. Students were also able to box in an inflatable bouncy house. Here, two sets of boxing gloves were provided. Rather, two HUGE boxing gloves were provided – each glove was the size of two pillows stacked onto one another.

  1. Mega Jenga

Looking for a less physically demanding activity? Normal board games still too boring? Many students stood huddled around a giant version of Jenga, pulling out and stacking giant blocks, all while hoping the structure would not collapse.

  1. Temporary Tattoos

Want to step out of your comfort zone? Temporary tattoos were offered, in any design the student chose it to be – ponies, hearts, lettering… This concept was similar to face-painting, however, students could also choose to have tattoos painted on their arms or legs.

So… was the trip worth it? That’s for you to decide. Whether you feel senior picnic will be worth it or not, chances are, it will be. Even if you get hit with a volleyball multiple times or end up spending half your day with wet socks and wet shoes, you won’t regret sharing the memories with the fellow members of your class.


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