Opinion: Join clubs for interest, not college

By: Ferica Ting

With the increase in competition to get into college, students feel the compulsion to stand out by being involved in clubs. Clubs are a great way for students to delve into their interests, but some people join clubs for the sole purpose of having something to put on their college applications. Students should be encouraged to join clubs for intrinsic value.

Clubs are designed for people with similar interests to come together, which serves as a good opportunity for students to socialize and make new friends. Clubs are supposed to create a safe environment for these students to bond over and invest time towards their shared goals. However, the growth in impure motives to take part in clubs defeats the whole purpose of what a club should be.

Colleges do not want students joining a bunch of clubs just for the sake of college applications; rather, they want to see dedication. They are looking for students who are willing to put time towards their goals and interests. Students tend to have the misconception that being in more clubs increases their chances of getting into their dream college, but that is not necessarily the case. In fact, it is better to consistently be in the same club(s) rather than just piling up on different clubs each year. Consistency more accurately reflects your character to colleges.

Some questions to keep in mind are: Is the club related to your major or interests? Are you willing to dedicate time towards the club? Do you enjoy the activities in the club? The whole point of listing out extracurriculars on college apps is for colleges to be able to better understand students in terms of their interests and goals. They want to see personality. Membership in random clubs can give colleges the wrong idea of you. In the end, it may not even be beneficial to your application. Each college is looking for certain students to take part on their campus, so joining clubs just for colleges apps displays an insincere image of applicants.

Do not just show colleges what you did, show them why you did it. By doing so can increase your chances of getting into that college you have been dreaming of.

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