Jack Emery drive’s minor goal achieved

By: Paul Chon

MHS’s annual Jack Emery Drive started on Nov. 13 and ended on Dec. 12, according to ASB Vice-President Anvi Brahmbhatt. The major goal was 25,000 cans and the minor goal was 23,000 cans, Brahmbhatt said.

If either the minor or major goal is reached, the prizes will have to be adjusted due to the two days that MHS closed because of poor air quality, Brahmbhatt said. The current prizes for reaching the major goal is getting a minimum day and reaching the minor goal will give students an hour lunch, Brahmbhatt said.

“As of the last day of the drive, Wednesday, Dec. 12, we received a total of 22,852 cans,” Brahmbhatt said. “However, with final donations coming in, we are reaching our minor goal of 23,000 cans.”

In addition to the minor and major goal, there are prizes for classes that donated, Brahmbhatt said. Unlike the minor and major goal, these prizes will not be changed, Brahmbhatt said.

“The incentives are: three cans per student enters a class into a drawing for $10 gift cards, five cans per student gives a class doughnut holes, seven cans per student [gives] a class full doughnuts or juice, nine cans per student gives two off-campus passes, and 10 cans per student enters a class into another drawing for huge prizes, such as a PC,” Brahmbhatt said.

“I’m very happy because of the beginning we weren’t raising that much,” Brahmbhatt said. “I think that missing those two days of school before Thanksgiving break really affected everyone’s awareness about the drive. I also think that people are also giving attention to and donating to other causes, such as the California wildfires. However, with more publicity and reaching out to the staff, we were able to achieve our goal!”

ASB Treasurer Erin Roldan supports the Jack Emery Drive, she said. Students should also be excited because they are donating to a good cause, Roldan said.

“I think Jack Emery is an amazing drive and it really helps those in our local community,” Roldan said. “Many of the proceeds our school raises, feeds about 60-70% of the people reliant on the [Milpitas] Food Pantry. You can make a difference. I encourage everyone to donate and support this cause.”

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