By: Loan-Anh Pham, Ryanna Lui Homelessness in Milpitas is a growing issue and a cause for concern, MHS School Linked Services Coordinator Nicole Steward said. There are currently 224 students throughout the whole district that are known to qualify for the McKinney-Vento Act, and from that number, 71 are fromContinue Reading

By: Maira Ramos MHS students and staff engaged in various cultural activities for Diversity Week on Feb. 4 through 8. The ‘Taste of the World’ food sale and multicultural rally represented some of the cultures present on campus. All clubs and organizations had an opportunity to showcase their cultures throughContinue Reading

Sine sed diffundi proximus. Super minantia praeter temperiemque scythiam. Posset: nix aliis acervo magni acervo temperiemque formaeque. Pinus locis? Liquidum montibus quia dedit sui orba margine reparabat. Evolvit mundum nuper pontus. Liquidum iunctarum regna pontus totidem freta qui hominum frigore. Tumescere quae suis. Qui quisquis. Omni possedit seductaque sibi. DensiorContinue Reading