By: Charlene Yang Members of MHS’s GirlUp club went to participate in the Women’s March through the streets of Downtown San Jose, Senior Xenia Torres said. On Saturday, Jan. 19, the members marched and chanted, expressing their concerns for the state of the government and the injustices present within theContinue Reading

By: Chris Ha, Theodore Do Athletes of MHS continue to play their sports in the offseason through club sports. With hopes of improving as better athletes, students go around the Bay Area for the help Junior James Westfall said. Milpitas High offers a variety of sports throughout the different seasons;Continue Reading

By: Loan-Anh Pham Field trips are a crucial part of the educational experience, a crucial part that’s missing from curriculums today. Walk into a typical high school class and you’ll be unpleasantly greeted by a near-silent room accompanied by a droning lecture and a cloud of lethargy. Some classes mayContinue Reading

Sine sed diffundi proximus. Super minantia praeter temperiemque scythiam. Posset: nix aliis acervo magni acervo temperiemque formaeque. Pinus locis? Liquidum montibus quia dedit sui orba margine reparabat. Evolvit mundum nuper pontus. Liquidum iunctarum regna pontus totidem freta qui hominum frigore. Tumescere quae suis. Qui quisquis. Omni possedit seductaque sibi. DensiorContinue Reading

By: Ashley Chen, Vivian Tsang Alternatives for tardy policy consequences are being discussed by the administration, Principal Francis Rojas said. The goal is to decrease the amount of chronic tardies, he said. The current consequences are making more paperwork instead of solving the problem, Rojas said. The administration is tryingContinue Reading

By: Genelle Gogue Senior Allyson Hom is now on her fourth year on the varsity basketball team for MHS and starts as the shooting guard. Hom is an excellent player and maintains great energy on the court. As one of the few returners this year, she has taken on aContinue Reading

By: Maansi Maskai, Vivian Tsang Around 750 eighth graders from Russell Middle School and Rancho Milpitas Middle School came to MHS for Eighth Grade Transition Day on Jan. 30, according to ASB Vice President Anvi Brahmbhatt. In their time, they toured the campus with student tour guides and received aContinue Reading

By: Ryanna Lui School spirit among MHS students regarding sports has been gradually declining over the past forty years, Athletics Director Jeff Lamb said. Unlike the past, school sports now require proper marketing to attract an audience, he said. One major reason for this trend is the growth of modernContinue Reading

By: Chris Ha The Varsity Boys Basketball team came out victorious at the 37th Annual Cain Classic this year, Varsity Basketball Coach Clarence “Champ” Wrencher said. The tournament was held at MHS over two days starting on December 28, with four main matches and one consolation match, Wrencher said. TheContinue Reading