By: Vivian Tsang The first cases of measle outbreak in the Bay Area were confirmed in Santa Clara, San Francisco, and Santa Cruz counties in early March this year, Reporter Annie Sciacca stated in a Mercury News article. The disease was initially spread by a Santa Cruz resident who wasContinue Reading

By: Kirk Tran Imagine a world where it is entirely reasonable to grind instruction to a painful halt for two weeks, in order to facilitate mind-numbing and widely despised standardized testing. Imagine that, for those two weeks, half the student body is trapped in a stifling classroom setting, half-asleep, staringContinue Reading

Over the past two months, we’ve noticed a rise in fake news being spread on Instagram. These posts provide no context and are often false. A popular example of this are police brutality videos. These videos provide no description on why the police are arresting the suspect, but instead assumeContinue Reading