Student-led Co-vid 19 initiatives

By Kathleen Huynh

Between living in a global pandemic, adjusting to distance learning, and studying for AP exams, several MHS students have found time to start organizations dedicated to helping the community cope with COVID-19.

Coronacovery (C): Brandyn Huynh, Isabella Kellas, Kate Le, all Juniors

Milpitas Gives Back (MGB): Isabella Morrison, Junior

Project Maskify (PM): Amy Stanley, Rachel Pham, Aditi Hariharan, all Juniors

“What is the mission of your organization?”

C: “Our mission is to provide the elderly and disabled citizens of Milpitas with the bare necessities they need to stay safe during the shelter-in-place.”

MGB: “The mission of my organization is to bring positivity and inspiration to our community. During this time, it is difficult to remember our why’s and find the motivation to keep going. This is why I think it is pivotal that we stand by our essential workers and give them a glimmer of hope in knowing that their dedication does not go unnoticed.”

PM: “We strive to equip our healthcare workers and first responders in Santa Clara County with handmade masks.” “

Why did you start your organization?”

C: “Since the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve become more aware of our privileges—being safe and healthy at home. This has evidently become one of the main concerns that people around the world have been facing, and we believe that our services can help alleviate some of that stress.”

MGB: “I started Milpitas Gives Back after seeing a video of a nurse crying about how serious and mentally draining the situation was getting. It made me feel really sad and powerless because it seemed like there was nothing I could do to support them from home. Instead of letting this feeling provoke a sense of defeat, I used it to be creative and make something that would give our community members a platform to help. More importantly, I wanted to give back to the people who protect us on a daily basis and often go unrecognized.”

PM: “In the midst of the rapidly spreading COVID-19 pandemic, most of us are fortunate to be in the comfort of our own homes, but our healthcare workers and first responders are risking their lives for us every day, and it is our job as a community to ensure that they are protected. We started ProjectMaskify as a way to help directly from our homes.”

“What exactly do you do?”

C: “Coronacovery specializes in delivering groceries to the houses of the elderly/disabled at no additional cost. Since these two demographics of people are the most vulnerable during this pandemic, we wanted to create a delivery service in which groceries could be dropped off at their houses for free. Upon our volunteers signing up to deliver for Coronacovery, they are put into contact with the community member they are delivering to and from there coordinate which groceries that community member may need.”

MGB: “I collect letters from community members that can express appreciation for our essential workers. These can be sent through direct message on Instagram (@milpitasgivesback) or by email ( Every two weeks, I put together all of the letters that are sent into a collage and video. These then get posted to the Instagram and Facebook page (also @Milpitas Gives Back) where I tag local hospitals, fire stations, grocery stores, and police stations.I’m also currently working towards getting direct contact emails at these organizations to ensure they receive the letters.”

PM: “We make handmade masks with designs approved by our donation sites. In addition to our well-sanitized and packaged masks, our volunteers make cards to make our donation even more meaningful!”

“How is your organization run?”

C: “Coronacovery is run through the help of volunteers. We have a google form linked in the bio of our Instagram and is open to any individuals who can provide transportation for grocery shopping, making deliveries, and posting flyers.”

MGB: “I run this project by myself, but the help of the community is absolutely needed for it to work. Although I put together the collages and videos independently, it is most definitely a group effort. I like to see this project as belonging to the community as much as it belongs to me.”

PM: “Project Maskify is a youth-led effort in Santa Clara County. Our team is composed of 30+high school ambassadors from all across the Bay Area. We are extremely grateful for the support from our community!”

“How have you been successful?”

C: “Our GoFundMe page, which originally was set at a goal of $500, has now reached $825. The page was set up to help cover grocery expenses for anyone that may be unable to, so raising that amount has been a fortunate win on our end! In addition to the GoFundMe page, Coronacoverywas also able to earn a feature in the MUSD Electronic Newsletter.”

MGB: “I have already completed two rounds of collections with a total of 45 letters so far. This project is definitely one that can be made more powerful by having more people be a part of it. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for how many letters have been sent in these past few weeks.”

PM: “ProjectMaskify has been able to equip healthcare workers and front line defenders in many different sites across Santa Clara County. Our goal, getting started with this organization, was to make only 300 masks. After two months of cutting fabric, pleating, ironing, and stitching we have been able to make 1050 masks! And, we are not stopping!”

“What were some challenges you faced in starting or running the organization?”

C: “A few challenges we faced upon running the organization were figuring out how we would efficiently publicize our service. Our goal was to reach all the different areas of Milpitas, and we sorted this issue out by sorting out areas we wanted to hang our fliers up and assigning those areas to our volunteers to help us hang up fliers.”

MGB: “Outreach and sending the letters out have been two of the biggest roadblocks in this process. Thankfully, my mom and other family members have helped tremendously in publicizing for me. Also being able to find a way to directly contact essential businesses has been difficult, but as I continue looking into getting those emails I’ve been posting them on my two social media accounts to ensure they are getting out to the public.”

PM: “To our surprise many passionate individuals were interested in joining our team, but our main challenge was to get the funding needed to proceed with our project. After launching our website and GoFundMe, we received generous support and encouragement from our community!”

“What has been the most rewarding part of starting your organization?”

C: “Even though we’ve just started, we’ve already received so much support and advice from adults, friends, and family. Our first customer was so kind and made sure to keep in touch, too! It’s definitely worth all our efforts to see this project grow, from getting help to giving it.”

MGB: “The most rewarding part of starting my organization is knowing I am helping and also giving other people a platform to do the same. Essential workers that have received the letters thank me and tell me that they feel the positivity this project is sending out, and that is extremely gratifying to me.”

PM: “The most rewarding part of starting our organization was seeing the impact we had on helping our community. It has been very fulfilling to see how our organization has also sparked the founding of numerous other COVID-19 relief related projects and organizations. We know that the only way to beat this virus is if we work together.”

Show them some love!


Instagram: @coronacovery



Milpitas Gives Back:

Instagram: @milpitasgivesback

Facebook: @ Milpitas Gives Back

Project Maskify:

Instagram: @project_maskify


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