Easy ways to stay fit and healthy during the pandemic

It has now been over ten months since Milpitas High School closed its doors and students moved online. For most students, school was where they could exercise and stay active, whether that be through physical education (P.E.), extracurricular activities such as dance clubs or sports teams, or simply the walk from one class to the next every day. However, having online classes due to the lockdown has prevented many students from being active, due to lying in bed or sitting in chairs all day, causing their physical health to decline over these past months. Here are many ways for everyone to increase their exercise levels without putting their lives at risk due to COVID-19. 

1. Create a Schedule/Routine

The first way that you can exercise while in lockdown is simple. Find a place where you enjoy spending time and do daily walks there. Making a schedule can be helpful, especially if you want to walk or jog to different places every day. At school, we followed the schedule of our classes, walking from one building to another. Having a schedule in lockdown can provide some familiarity and motivate you to be active. The most convenient walk, if you don’t want to drive anywhere, is in your own neighborhood. Wherever you decide to go for your daily walk, make sure to always wear a mask and follow social distancing guidelines. 

2. Exercise Indoors 

Another way to exercise is by using the resources available in the comfort of your own home. If you prefer indoor activities, you can try following workout videos and tips online on platforms such as YouTube. You can search specific workouts such as cardio or abs, and numerous reliable videos will show up with a simple click, provided by professionals such as Chloe Ting. 

Many stores also sell workout equipment that you can get shipped to your house. Most stores also have the option of curbside pick up if you want to avoid the crowds inside. Machines such as ellipticals or treadmills are an investment, but they are especially worth it during these times. With your own equipment at home, the motivation to get up and do physical activities is right in front of you. You can also purchase more affordable equipment, such as your own weights, to use at home, or even yoga mats and other various exercise tools. Even if your favorite gym is closed, you can still exercise by following online workout routines. Though it is much less interactive, the Internet has proved to be an incredible resource during these times. You can support a local business that may be holding online fitness classes, or you can simply search for a workout you would like to do on YouTube. YouTube is a huge platform, and there is a large variety of workout videos to choose from. Another option is to use fitness apps, which can create a plan for you and be used to track your progress and goals. 

3. Set Goals

When exercising, no matter where you are, motivation is key. A great way to spark some motivation within yourself is to set goals. For example, while you are on your daily jog, set realistic fitness goals for yourself. For example, set your initial goal for a ten-minute mile, then work your way down each day until you meet your final goal. Another idea is to take a walk for an hour, and then add on fifteen minutes to that time every day. By achieving your goals, you will also feel more accomplished and improve your mood.

4. Active Chores 

One convenient way to move around in the premise of your own home is to do chores. Many chores, such as gardening, mowing the lawn, and washing the car, require physical activity. Getting yourself moving while being productive is a great way to stay healthy. 

Overall, it is especially important to stay active during these times. Your body’s immune system should be strong and ready to fight. Exercise can also help combat depression and anxiety, which are especially prevalent right now due to stress. Remember to stay safe, but do not compromise your health. 

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