How quarantine has positively impacted students

There is no doubt the coronavirus pandemic has negatively affected students in some form. However, it is important to look on the bright side of every situation. Despite its negative effects, the pandemic allowed many MHS students to grow and improve their lives. 

According to junior Andrew Nguyen, the pandemic provided him with time to focus on himself and look introspectively. In addition, Nguyen has become closer to his family members and more passionate about his hobbies, he said. He also has a deeper appreciation for the small things in life, he added.

“In a way, the pandemic has actually given me and many others a much-needed break from the craziness of everyday life,” Nguyen said in a Zoom interview. “Before the pandemic, I had to juggle the responsibilities that come with being a band student, a student-athlete, as well as all the responsibilities I had outside of school. I seemed to always be busy and had no time for myself. This pandemic has given me time to grow my strengths as well as acknowledge my flaws. I now play board games with my family and have even tried learning about politics. The biggest improvement I have seen is physically since I have more time to exercise. I am proud of the growth I have seen in my physique, and when I start playing sports again, I know I will be better than ever.”

The pandemic allowed people to plan out and work towards their future, junior Nya Noble said. The pandemic gave her more free time, allowing her to get a job, Noble said. From her job she learned proper work ethic, people skills, and product-selling techniques, she added.

“This terrible situation has taught me many life lessons,” Noble said in a Zoom interview. “I learned that you have to keep pushing forward even when life throws the craziest things at you. I was always told to stay determined through hardships, but I never had to do so before the coronavirus hit. You can tell me all the life lessons you want, but nothing beats experiencing something for yourself and learning from it and that is what the pandemic has provided me with. It is good that I learned this lesson at such a young age because now in the future I know I’ll be ready for whatever life throws at me.”

Everyone has his or her fair share of hardships during this time. However, having an optimistic mindset can be very beneficial in the long run. After this pandemic, the world will come back stronger than before and learn from this experience.

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