Eat, sleep, repeat: Self-care tips

Mental health problems are an issue among all age groups, and many people struggle to effectively cope with a worsening mental state. However, there are various methods to care for one’s mental health, even for those who are not currently struggling.

Self-care is a basic necessity for an individual but is often the first to be discarded as a waste of time. While completing work is essential, taking breaks and finding time for oneself should not be dismissed. The same trend is found with eating patterns. Nutritious meals provide fuel for the human body throughout the day and putting off meals to finish homework and study is harmful to a student’s well-being. Without proper nutrients and a set eating schedule, long-term health problems may manifest, according to “Why Your Random Eating Schedule Is Risky for Your Health” by health writer Maria Masters. Irregular eating patterns may eventually lead to obesity, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes, Masters wrote. Furthermore, poor physical health tends to lead to poor mental health, according to “Physical Health and Mental Health” by the Mental Health Foundation.

Taking care of the human body overall is vital to a person’s physical and mental health. People with sleep deprivation display drops in moods throughout the day, meaning positive moods and plentiful hours of sleep are closely linked, according to “Mood and Sleep” by BetterHealth. In addition to nurturing your body, exercise is an effective way to help you feel confident and refreshed. There are many forms of exercise, whether that be going to the gym, doing yoga, or playing sports. Reading a book, watching your favorite movie, and practicing arts and crafts are other ways to relieve stress and maintain strong physical and mental health.

Talking about how you feel is also important to your betterment, which is why having a trusted person to confide in can be helpful. However, if talking to someone causes you discomfort, journaling and writing in a diary daily are alternate options that are just as effective for releasing bottled feelings. 

Maintaining positive mental health is necessary for an individual’s personal growth and performance. Having a positive state of mind especially benefits students, considering how stressful school can be. According to “Why Good Mental Health Is Important for Study” by health, well-being, and injury consultant Meagan Miskin, “High levels of mental health are associated with increased learning, creativity, and productivity.” Thus, practicing ways to take care of mental health is beneficial, not only for a person’s overall emotional and social well-being but also for their academic performance as well.

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