Stay fresh with summer fashion trends

After enduring months of record-breaking rain, wind, and cold, it’s time to enjoy the sun and get ready for the toasting Bay Area heat. But how should you dress for the warmer weather? Instead of settling for the lazy combination of a T-shirt with basketball shorts, take this time to experiment with different pieces that’ll spice up your wardrobe this summer.

Many people think the heat prevents them from putting together a good outfit, but it’s actually an opportunity to try out different textures and materials that are better suited to warm weather. Experiment with pieces that offer a pop of color or texture through unique stitching, pockets, and materials like linen, chambray, and denim. Bamboo textile shirts, for example, offer an interesting wrinkle throughout the fabric that keeps the upper body cool and breathable while adding another dimension to your look. 

One particular piece that I love is “jorts” or jean shorts. Instead of resorting to something sporty-looking like typical summer shorts, this revived trend from the 90s and 2000s brings about a comfortable and laid-back rustic appearance, especially the baggy ones. The denim material gives the jorts a nice texture that will keep your lower half from looking stale. Experiment with different seam lengths to find the specific measurement that suits your proportions. I prefer an inch below the knee.

When it comes to footwear, socks, and shoes can make or break your outfit. Without long pants that cover your socks in the winter months, shorts expose your foot glove to the world, making it crucial to your overall look. Invest in pairs with interesting patterns or colors to add another dimension to your outfit. High-top shoes are a good choice to balance out the proportions of your outfit. Classic options like Adidas Sambas, New Balance 550s, or Birkenstock Boston clogs offer a more industrialized and neutral-toned look than traditional Nike running shoes and Crocs.

Finally, accessories can take your summer outfit to the next level; they’re the cherry on top of all the hard work you spent building your outfit. From headphones to messenger bags, you have the opportunity to show off your accessories and make a statement. Bonnie and Clyde have amazing eyewear options. Mapleco and Etsy offer an extensive range of homemade and unique jewelry from Mapleco. 

Now that you got the A to Z on building the perfect summer outfit, don’t be afraid to experiment with different textures, materials, and accessories to create something unique and stylish that reflects your personality. With these tips, you’re sure to beat the heat — in style.

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