Tip to support service workers show appreciation

Tipping is a long-standing tradition, and yet there is still debate on whether people should tip at places like restaurants, cafes, and bars. Some argue tipping is unnecessary and should not be expected, but I believe that tipping at places is necessary because it not only benefits the service industry workers, but also promotes a culture of gratitude and generosity.

First and foremost, tipping is a way to show appreciation for the service provided. Service industry workers such as waitstaff, bartenders, and baristas work long hours and deal with all sorts of customers, some of whom can be quite difficult. Customers who are rude, get frustrated over the slightest inconveniences, fail to follow rules. When someone tips, it shows servers that their hard work and effort are appreciated, serving as a morale boost. Most service people’s jobs are not as easy as they seem; they stand for hours with little breaks, ensuring that costumers are served and the place is kept clean, all while keeping their frustration hidden despite the circumstance. Tipping is a way to demonstrate that people value the work of those serving them and are willing to pitch a little extra to show their appreciation.

Many service industry workers are also paid low hourly wages, and tipping can help to alleviate this situation by providing them with additional income so that can live more comfortably. While some may say that the minimum wage should be increased, according to Investopedia, raising minimum wages can have several consequences including inflation, making companies less competitive and a loss of jobs. 

In addition to the benefits for service industry workers, tipping can also enhance the overall experience for the customer. Not only does it promote gratitude, it can also make a positive contribution to someone’s life. One can feel good about themselves knowing that they have made this positive contribution. 

In terms of affordability, tipping does not have to be based on percentages if one is unable to spend that amount of money on a certain service. According to Real-Simple, it is customary to tip anywhere from fifteen to twenty percent; however even a dollar or two can go a long way, especially for bartenders and baristas. 

Tipping is a good practice because it promotes a culture of generosity and helps service industry workers earn a fair wage. While tipping may not be required, it is a small act of kindness that can go a long way in making someone’s day a little bit brighter.

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