‘Manifesting’ may help achieve goals, create positive mindset

With TikToks constantly being made about “manifesting” (2.2M posts tagged with “#manifest” alone) and phrases like “just manifest it” trending, the concept of manifesting has risen in popularity among self-help circles, but what exactly is manifesting? 

Manifestation is the idea that thoughts can shape reality, with origins as far back as Hinduism and Buddhism, according to the Hindu American Forum. Manifesting can also be traced back to the 19th-century spiritual movement known as “New Thought,” or the belief in mind healing, according to a Vox article. Neville Goddard, an English writer, taught the principles of manifesting, popularizing the term “Law of Attraction” during the 1950s. The Law of Attraction is a philosophy suggesting that positive thinking can attract positive results, whereas negative thinking attracts negative results. Other manifesting teachers include Dr. Joseph Murphy, whose main teaching was the Law of Belief, the idea that the more intensely you believe something, it will become your reality, and Thomas Troward, whose teachings inspired Neville Goddard. 

Surprisingly, manifesting may have a scientific basis. Through a process called neuroplasticity, manifestation works by connecting our desires to our actions by reworking our minds to align with our desires. Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to grow, change, and adapt, helping develop life skills. Despite the belief that neuroplasticity occurs from birth to 25 years old, some medical doctors believe that we can train our brains to grow throughout our whole lives, according to HealthNews.

The process of manifestation relies on having precise goals and implementing steps to achieve those goals each day using a positive mindset. 

So how do you manifest to achieve your goals and desires? There are many methods a person can reference, including those popularized through platforms such as TikTok or even through the teachings of Goddard. One popular method for manifesting, promoted on TikTok, is the 55×5 method, which is rooted in the principles of the Law of Attraction. The actual method involves writing down specific affirmations 55 times for 5 consecutive days, with the “magic” lying behind the repetition of the method. 

One popular method created by Neville Goddard is the Resonance Repatterning Technique. This method involves identifying a core belief that holds you back, and then working on changing that through imagination and visualization. The more you feel positive emotions, the more effective this method will be. One scientific method of manifesting, according to HealthNews, includes being specific, visualizing, talking your goals into existence, and believing in your goals. One of the most essential steps to manifesting is believing in your dreams and goals. 

Despite its popularity, manifesting still has pitfalls. One common trap is the tendency to overlook the importance of actually taking action toward your goals. Merely visualizing or affirming without actively working towards them can lead to a false sense of progress. Additionally, unrealistic expectations or a lack of patience can hinder you from persisting in your manifesting efforts. It’s important to strike a balance between belief in manifestation and a realistic understanding of the effort required. 

While the concept of manifesting has gained popularity among pop culture, it can technically fall under the realm of pseudoscience. While there may be psychological benefits to positive thinking and visualization, the idea that thoughts alone can directly shape reality lacks empirical evidence. It’s important to approach manifesting with a critical eye, recognize its limitations and to understand that achieving goals often requires a combination of an optimistic outlook and determination. 

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