The National Football League’s (NFL) “Crucial Catch” is a year-round part- nership with the American Cancer Society to educate fans on the importance of taking their health into their own hands. While theNFL’s broadened Crucial Catch initiative has its mer- its, bringing back the Pink October campaign would restore aContinue Reading

Chaos descended upon Cal- ifornia campuses as many Pro-Palestinian protesters were arrested for setting up camps last spring. Some counter-protesters attacked a UCLA encampment, and police met resistance from the protesters when they took down the encampment according to the CalMatters news article “Hundreds ar- rested and suspended: How CaliforniaContinue Reading

Since the beginning of the school year, campus safety supervisors have begun standing outside many, but not all, restrooms during break and lunch to control the flow of students entering. This change prevents group gathering and long lines at the stalls. Restroom monitors are a necessity for all restrooms acrossContinue Reading


With the increase of political polar-ization among American citizens, it’s no surprise that political opinions are becoming louder within educational institutions. Social studies teacher Ana M. Pardo describes herself as a moderate with lib- eral leanings, especially on the issue of wealth redistribution. “We all owe each other something asContinue Reading

Picture of Kamala Harris.

One of the most unique aspects of California’s political system is how every single California citizen can participate in a direct democracy. Through California State Propositions, citizens can directly influence laws and regulations, bypassing the need to rely solely on their representatives to vote in their favor. Ten different propositionsContinue Reading