By Kathleen Huynh Over 70 MHS clubs and organizations (CLOG) participated in the virtual CLOG Rush during the second week of September and the following Monday, Co-CLOG Commissioner Victoria Ly said over a Google Meet interview. The CLOG Committee spent over a month planning a positive and inclusive virtual CLOGContinue Reading

By Kathleen Huynh Technology issues, loud relatives, and awkward breakout rooms have made distance learning rather unpleasant, but those unfortunate mishaps shouldn’t overshadow the perks. This may be an unpopular opinion, but distance learning kind of slaps. Compounded with a block schedule, distance learning has given me more agency overContinue Reading

By Kathleen Huynh Something old, something new, and sadly, no Mushu. Premier access to “Mulan” (2020)  became available on Disney+ for $29.99 on September 4, 2020. The film will be free to Disney+ subscribers in December.  The live-action remake was highly anticipated after multiple release date postponements. The eradication ofContinue Reading

By Kathleen Huynh Between living in a global pandemic, adjusting to distance learning, and studying for AP exams, several MHS students have found time to start organizations dedicated to helping the community cope with COVID-19. Coronacovery (C): Brandyn Huynh, Isabella Kellas, Kate Le, all Juniors Milpitas Gives Back (MGB): IsabellaContinue Reading