“The Falcon and the Winter Soldier” is a six-episode television show that demonstrates the exhilarating fight scenes and cliffhangers, characteristic of the traditional action-adventure Marvel movies. However, it also examines institutional racism, radicalization, the repercussions of past actions, and the preservation of the legacy of the deceased. This series answersContinue Reading

PBS finally made the seemingly long-awaited decision to cancel one of its most popular and infamous television shows, “Caillou.” Although the reactions to the announcement varied, the positive views of many parents prevailed over any negative feelings. Many parents feel a strong hatred towards the show, saying that it isContinue Reading

Rating: 5/5 “The Queen’s Gambit,” a Netflix mini-series released on Oct. 23, 2020, follows the life of orphan-turned-chess-prodigy Beth Harmon. Focusing on Beth’s experiences competing in chess tournaments, the show touches on issues of substance abuse, women’s inequality, and adoptive families. A factor that drew me to the show wasContinue Reading

By Brian Dinh Rating: 3/5 Amazon Prime’s superhero TV show “The Boys” returns with a great second season, although not without its faults. The first season demonstrated the faults of celebrity culture with fantastic writing and executed visually impressive action scenes with dramatic performances. Although the second season has theContinue Reading