Occasionally when driving around Milpitas, you might stumble upon a white minivan on the road, labeled with a leaf logo. The Simple Mobile Access to Reliable Transit (SMART) is an app-based system that provides affordable car transit within Milpitas, according to the City of Milpitas’s website. The transit system beganContinue Reading

Detentions have always been around, Assistant Principal Jonathan Mach said. It’s just that the reappearance of people normally think of as detention has started around this year, he added. As there was increased paranoia and restrictions on the amount of students in a classroom afterschool hours due to COVID-19, thereContinue Reading

Affirmative action was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court on June 29, and it was declared that race can no longer be a factor in college admissions, according to Education Week.  The affirmative action ruling mainly affects students applying to private colleges, considering how University of California (UC) and CaliforniaContinue Reading

Milpitas es una ciudad con muchos inmigrantes, y la gente joven llegando a los Estados Unidos necesita aprender como comunicarse apropiadamente y a adaptarse al sistema educativo local. El departamento de Desarrollo del Lenguaje Inglés (ELD) es un programa diseñado para asistir a estos estudiantes a integrarse a su nuevaContinue Reading