English language learner (ELL) students at MHS were found to have a 2.4% completion rate of A-G credit requirements compared to the general 55.8% in August 2023, Executive Director of Learning and Innovation Priti Johari said at the Feb. 13 MUSD board meeting.ELL students struggle with completing A-G credits notContinue Reading

A digital citizenship study session took place during the Nov. 2023 Milpitas Unified School District (MUSD) board meeting to discuss effective methods for creating a better environment online. The goal of the study session wasn’t to ban communication services, but to encourage students to use them appropriately and reduce negativeContinue Reading

The results of the culture and climate survey allow administrators to see what groups feel unheard on campus and make a more welcoming environment for students, Assistant Principal Jonathan Mach said. Being able to meet with every student is impossible, but administrators use the breakdowns and feedback given from theContinue Reading


The Wellness Center officially opened on Nov. 16 in room J17 with a ribbon-cutting ceremony, according to Board Communications Specialist Scott Forstner. In attendance were members of the MUSD board, Santa Clara County School District employees, and MHS administrators, teachers, and city and state politicians. Funding for the various wellnessContinue Reading

As of the 2023–24 school year, MHS is no longer hosting the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT), according to Assistant Principal Jonathan Mach. The main reason for no longer hosting the SAT is that there are not enough volunteers to proctor the test, Mach added. However, there are possibilities to reimplementContinue Reading

The Milpitas Community Education Foundation (MCEF) awarded forensics science and Advanced Placement (AP) chemistry teacher Letta Meyer $3000 for her forensics science class, and chemistry and biotech teacher Robert Alvelais $500 for Science Olympiad. Curtner Elementary School teachers Naomi Patner, Natalie Tice, and Mary Paek recieved $2000 for their SowingContinue Reading