Social-emotional learning (SEL) has become a focus at MHS with homeroom on Wednesday’s being dedicated to fostering proper social-emotional wellbeing among students. ASB’s Instagram occasionally posts SEL-related tips and hosts lunchtime events to raise awareness. Counselors are available for one-on-one talks from school-related to personal matters. However, do these resourcesContinue Reading

Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic, an increasing importance is being placed on mental and emotional well-being, especially that of teachers. With the widespread learning loss and a lack of student interest and motivation due to the pandemic, teachers all around the country have expressed feeling “burnt out” or too tired,Continue Reading

Mental health problems are an issue among all age groups, and many people struggle to effectively cope with a worsening mental state. However, there are various methods to care for one’s mental health, even for those who are not currently struggling. Self-care is a basic necessity for an individual butContinue Reading

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) videos, part of an MHS, objective targeted towards bettering the student body’s mental health, are played in many classrooms during homeroom on Wednesdays; however, their efficacy remains questionable.   The mental health counselors occasionally send SEL videos to teachers, Associate Principal Skyler Draeger said. The mental healthContinue Reading

This past year, colleges and universities nationwide saw an increase in freshmen applications. According to Amelia Nierenberg, a writer for The New York Times, UC Berkeley received 28% more applications, Cornell University received 32% more applications, University of Southern California received 20% more applications, and Harvard University received 42% moreContinue Reading

Given that college season has passed, along with national decision day on May 1st, many students—including myself—are feeling lost and undecided about their future. Putting things into perspective, many of us seniors this year had to deal with rejections and a handful of waitlists from the four-year universities that we’veContinue Reading

The term ‘climate change’ has become part of our everyday vocabulary.. Climate change is the long-term change in weather patterns caused by global warming. Global warming is the result of human activities, including the emission of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere through the burning of fossilContinue Reading