Maximize your thrift shop adventures

By: Ryanna Lui

Thrifting is trendy. Good deals for cheap prices? Yes please! However, it’s definitely not for the weak. Here are some guidelines to help ameliorate the process.

First, you should research types of thrift stores. Some, like Goodwill or Savers, carry miscellaneous everyday clothing. Others carry vintage and high-end pieces. Store size and pricing may vary. In addition, stores also sell furniture and other goods; however, some second-hand items should be avoided for the sake of sanitation and effectiveness. Knowing what you’re generally looking for helps determine which stores you should visit. Beginners should consider smaller and curated places to gain thrifting experience.

Afterwards, as an act of discipline, you should settle on a budget. It’s easy to get carried away when everything is so affordable. You can consider bringing a friend who knows your style well to reprimand you when you attempt to purchase an item that you know you won’t wear.

If you plan on thrifting for a solid couple of hours, be sure to pack lightly, using an easy-to-carry bag that leaves both your hands free to browse clothing. Essentials include snacks, water, and cash, as some thrift stores do not take credit cards. An additional reusable bag should also be considered because thrift stores don’t always offer bags, and carrying around a pile of clothes for an extended period of time is not pleasant.

Thrifters should dress in clothes that are comfortable, but tight enough so that clothes at the store can be pulled directly over. This saves time and eliminates the need for a dressing room which might not be present.

Once you arrive and browse the store, keep an open mind. The charm of thrifting is its element of surprise. Additionally, clothing should be evaluated based on potential; unlikely pieces can be revamped with cuts, folds, and other personal touches. Nicely fabricated clothing can be cut for personal projects. Nevertheless, be realistic. Make sure the clothing of interest will actually be worn – bonus points are given for versatility.

Before checkout, evaluate the quality of each item in your shopping cart. Very carefully examine for stains, rips, and strange smells; items often cannot be returned. Anything that is irreparable should undoubtedly be returned to the shelf.

Once you get the hang of thrifting, follow the social media accounts or sign up for notifications from your favorite thrift stores. You’re sure to be notified of new releases that would be hard to come by anywhere else. Happy thrifting!

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