Rediscovering structure: Tips to staying organized during COVID-19

By: Maliyah Fick

With the current state that school, and the world, is in right now, I know life is definitely a bit messy. Despite not having to leave our homes to go to school, students can still find themselves drowning or falling behind in their online class or homework. I understand that this is uncharted territory, but here are some ways you can stay structured and organized during this uncertain time:

1. Keep a daily routine

Some people find it hard to keep their normal daily routine since no one actually wants to wake up from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. for classes they aren’t attending in person. That being said, it’s still a step in a positive direction if you were to follow a new daily routine. Set an alarm every morning for a healthy time to start your day, and set a time for when you want your “school day” to end. This way, you get yourself used to waking up to be productive instead of sleeping in and feeling unmotivated to do your work.

2. Keep a To-Do List

To-Do lists are extremely satisfying. Every morning, check your Google Classroom To-Do lists, as it will tell you the due dates of assignments. Write them all down in a list, and then proceed to start working on your daily routine. As time passes, marking each new assignment off the list can start to make you feel productive.

3. Stay on Video Call with some friends

Let’s be real, while most of us talk about how we “dislike other people,” not being allowed to go out and socialize is making some of our days extremely mundane and mind-numbing. One way I’ve found to stay motivated is to be on a video call with one or a few of my friends while we do our assignments. Despite the constant groaning from each of us that we “didn’t want to do our work,” being on the call gives us a sense of responsibility since we are doing our work together, and constant words of encouragement from one another makes the work session easier to get through.

This situation we are in is a new experience for all of us—students, teachers, and parents alike. Teachers had a few days to come up with a system that works, and students had a few days to adapt to that system. While I wish that we could all get together with friends to make the time pass faster and doing assignments more enjoyable, please remember to stay inside of your homes if it’s for nonessential business. Hopefully, one of these three tips can help you to stay productive, motivated, and somewhat structured during this time.

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