Natural remedies for seasonal allergies

By: Vibha Sastry

Spring is a beautiful season, a time of regrowth and restoration, a time when the grass becomes a little greener and life’s starts seeming a little brighter. It’s also the time that the white flowers on those pear trees planted all around campus start blooming, causing your annoying seasonal allergies to act up.

Everyone knows about the generic ways you can treat seasonal allergies like antihistamines, nasal sprays, and neti pots, but there a lot of different natural remedies that can help keep your allergies at bay.

Consuming apple cider vinegar has many benefits, including reducing seasonal allergies. You can swallow a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or drink a cup of hot water with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and some honey, which is easier on the taste buds. Drinking apple cider vinegar helps clear mucus and cleanse your lymphatic system, which will relieve your allergies.

Another interesting remedy for allergies is local honey. Since seasonal allergies are caused by pollen from local plants, you can reduce your symptoms by exposing your immune system to local pollen. Local honey contains trace amounts of pollen from local plants, so consuming a spoonful of it everyday can reduce your symptoms over time

When pollen enters your system, your body reacts by releasing histamines which causes allergies, which is why antihistamines are used to stop allergies. Nettle leaf is an herb that works as a natural antihistamine. You can drink a cup of nettle leaf everyday to relieve your allergies.

Try these natural remedies along with traditional allergy medicines to help your immune system fight off those pesky seasonal allergies.

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