How three small habits changed my life

Most people want a better life, but actually achieving it can be a very daunting task. However, following simple, daily routines can drastically improve a person’s health, as I found from performing them for the last six years.

Simple and effective, walking is a path to better health. Walking can burn calories, boost energy, and improve one’s mood among other things, according to Healthline. I can attest to all these and much more. Ever since middle school, I’ve been visiting the park twice a day to walk.

 At first, I didn’t really see a drastic difference in my well-being. But looking back now, I can clearly see how much my mental health has improved because I went to the park. There were some enjoyable moments of blasting music in the park, but the real benefit is invisible. It’s those small breaths of fresh air, beautiful skies, and birds singing that really soothe my mind. It’s a moment of peace, where everything feels like it’s going to be alright. 

Next is journaling, where a person can write about anything, but the key force is the person’s feelings. How each person approaches it may differ, and there are health benefits to journaling. It can reduce stress, depression, and anxiety symptoms, according to VeryWellHealth. 

Journaling has always been something special to me. I’ve grown a lot, and looking back at old entries can be really encouraging to see how far I’ve grown as a person. What I journal about is mostly what happens each day, and it helps me process exactly what happened. I’m a busy person with school, work, and personal ambitions. Journaling helps me reflect on what happens, and gives me time to explore how I feel about those things. In the moments of the day, I don’t always understand exactly how I feel about something. Emotions are complicated, and journaling can be a way to unravel them. 

In addition, meditation is a great practice that can boost your mental health. Meditation has been studied extensively, and its benefits are well-documented. It has been shown to improve attention, problem-solving, and even information retention, according to Positive Psychology. I have not been meditating that long, but, from the few times I’ve done it, I can confidently say that I feel a small sense of inner peace. I meditate by closing my eyes and concentrating on my breathing. It improves my concentration, and it’s refreshing. I feel energized and relieved of stress after meditation.  Meditation has helped me improve my academic performance by being concentrated and energized.

 These three small things have completely changed my life. Ever since starting, I’ve been able to think clearer and calmer than before. I’ve been able to enjoy my time at the park, to understand myself on a deeper level, and to have the energy to go on in the day. 

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